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RSSIn FC 06 and FC 07 the total amount of the risk position in the insurance policies (limit of liability or sum insured, depending on which amount corresponds to the maximu possible risk exposure) has to be stated in item FC 180 Insurance policies. The sum insured merely represents a contractually agreed upper limit and, like the nominal value of a derivative, has little to do with the actual risk exposure. In addition, the allocation to the contractual partner is not appropriate
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
Based on the regulation 2022/2454 for R02, financial conglomerates shall” Insert the numerical value of the thresholds specified in Article 8(2) of Directive 2002/87/EC.”. The lines of the tables (R02.01, R02.02,….) should be aligned with the corresponding template submitted. For example, the threshold for P&L IGTs (template FC 05.00) should be reported under the label R02.05.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
Debit and credit accounts: What method of applying the threshold in the context of an SEO comprising positive and negative amounts (example debit and credit current accounts). SEO includes declaration of debit and credit accounts Can banks declare the balances if they exceed the threshold?
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
Derivatives (processing of operations with buying and selling positions), When transactions include both purchase and sale positions with the same counterparty on the same type of financial instrument, the SEO includes operations combining buying positions selling positions. Can banks declare the (contractual) net position if it exceeds the threshold?
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
Derivatives (processing of stock and expired operations within an SEO) : Can banks apply the threshold to expired and in stock transactions on the closing date in order to ensure the completeness of intra group exposures to be declared within this scope? With the fair value on the closing date?
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
How to treat in FC06 exposures deducted from Tier 1 and value adjustments, for which there is no reference in the instructions? We would like to propose in this regard an additional column for value adjustments, while the amounts deducted from Tier 1 directly diminish exposures.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
The identification of operation in the period of reference must be done only for significant operations expired. Consequences: an operation under the threshold at reporting date must not be reported even if this operation has been above the threshold during the period of reference.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
Can you confirm that facilities must be reported in the FC03 and not in the FC01 (column 180, value of collateral). As explained in the commission implementing regulation a facility is not a collateral.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
The commission implementing regulation specifies that specific intragroup operations (single economic operation, indirect transactions) must be reported as follows: "Where the reported intra-group transaction is part of an indirect transaction, report the ‘ID of intra-group transaction’ (FC0010) of the related transaction in this cell. Where the reported intra-group transaction is not part of an indirect transaction, indicate ‘No’.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)
The commission implementing regulation specifies how to report repurchase agreements as follows (FC02 - IGT - Derivatives / FC0110): "a repurchase agreement shall be considered as cash transaction plus forward contract". 2 operations have to be reported: one in FC01 (cash operation) and one in FC02 (forward). Is it correct? On an accounting basis, these operations are treated as loans (asset received) and borrowings (asset lend) guaranteed by the asset ceded.
- Topics:
- Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)