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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2627

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Topic: Reporting Templates

Article: 35 of SII Directive

Template: S.04.05

Status: Final

Date of submission: 28 Apr 2023


Thanks for the response to question Q&A 2604. We have follow-up questions regards: a) if S.04.05.01 should be reported for the run-off case (as indicated by Q&A #2604) - how can we determine which countries make up the 95% threshold, given that threshold is based on GWP and GWP is 0 for all countries? b) Can EIOPA please confirm that in this run-off case S.04.05.21 is not required to be reported.

EIOPA answer

EIOPA confirms that template S.04.05 should be reported for the run-off case. The template includes information on claims and expenses, which is still relevant information in a run-off scenario. Considering the specific situation and the difficulties in using the threshold of 95% of GWP in case of run-off the template should include the material jurisdictions in which the undertaking was actively writing business before the run-off.

EIOPA confirms that in run-off case S.04.05.21 should be reported. The reporting should be done consistently (from a country-by-country perspective) with what was disclosed before entering run-off.