EIOPA may investigate an alleged breach or non-application of Union law of a competent authority in relation to legal acts referred to in Article 1(2) of the EIOPA Regulation. If you want to file a complaint against a national competent authority in the area of insurance or occupational pensions please follow the steps below.

- Fill in the complaint form
When submitting a breach of Union law complaint pursuant to Article 17 of the EIOPA Regulation, we strongly recommend you use this template.
- Collect relevant documents
Collect any documents or evidence you may have in support of the complaint, including the national measures concerned. Please be aware that EIOPA might require further information and documents concerning your case whilst analysing the merits of the complaint.
Unsubstantiated requests, failing to provide sufficient details on the alleged breach of Union law, would be notably considered inadmissible.
- Send us this complaint form with all relevant information
Please send us the filled out form :
By email to BUL
eiopa [dot] europa [dot] eu (BUL[at]eiopa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
By mail to the following address:
EIOPA Chair (Confidential)
Westhafen Tower
Westhafenplatz 1
DE- 60327 Frankfurt am MainEIOPA will confirm the receipt of your request within 2 weeks.
- EIOPA's investigation
EIOPA carries out investigations according to its Rules of Procedure on Investigations Regarding Breach of Union Law. These rules state the criteria for those cases that should be admitted for investigation and how EIOPA should initiate and conduct those investigations.