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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
News article19 November 20211 min read

EIOPA publishes annual occupational pensions statistics

Occupational pensions statistics

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published for the first time annual occupational pensions statistics for the reference year 2020. The annual statistics include statistics on balance sheet, asset exposures, contributions, benefits & transfers, expenses, members and basic information, including for example information on the structure of IORPs, number of schemes and concentration ratios.

In addition to annual statistics, EIOPA already publishes quarterly statistics on basic information, balance sheet and asset exposures.

About occupational pensions statistics

The statistics contain up-to-date and high-quality data and provide a comprehensive picture of the European occupational pensions sector. The annual statistics are derived from annual submissions to the pensions data reporting framework. Occupational pension institutions in the EU and the European Economic Area provide the reports to their national competent authorities which EIOPA aggregates to create the statistics.


Publication date
19 November 2021