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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories


Opening date

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

Attached documents

31 JANUARY 2023
Final Report on the CP for further technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories
31 JANUARY 2023
Consultation paper
31 JANUARY 2023
Template for Comments

Comments received by SG

31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by IRSG
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by OPSG

Comments received

31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by AB Stokab
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by AFME – ICMA Infrastructure Working Group
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Association Française de Gestion financière
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Fédération des Industriels des Réseaux d’Initiative Publique
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Finance Norway
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by FTTH Council Europe
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Insurance Europe
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Invest Europe – The Voice of Private Capital
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Moodys Investors Service Ltd
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by The Association of Corporate Treasurers
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by The Investment Association
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Vahta_d.o.o