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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Potential harmonisation of recovery and resolution frameworks for insurers


Opening date

Target audience

EIOPA would like stakeholders to focus, in particular, on chapter 4, "Building blocks of recovery and resolution" and the specific questions included in that chapter and in chapter 3 "Rationale for harmonisation".

Comments are most helpful if they:

  • respond to the question stated, where applicable;
  • contain a clear rationale; and
  • describe any alternatives EIOPA should consider.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

31 JANUARY 2023
Consultation Paper
31 JANUARY 2023
Template for Comments
31 JANUARY 2023
Opinion to Institutions of the European Union on the Harmonisation of Recovery and Resolution Frameworks for (Re)insurers across the Member States

Comments received

31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Tela
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Swiss Re
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by MACIF
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by KNF
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Insurance Sweden
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Insurance Law Institute
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Insurance Europe
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by ILAG
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by GDV
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Frankfurter Leben Holding
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by FNMF
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by ESRB
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Dutch Ministry of Finance
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Czech Insurance Association
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Better Finance
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by BdV
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by AMICE
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by ACA
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by AAE
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by IRSG
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Allianz SE
31 JANUARY 2023
Comments received by Institut des Actuaires