- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Target audience
The Joint Committee of the three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA - ESAs) launched today a public consultation to amend the Implementing Regulations on the mapping of credit assessments of External Credit Assessment Institutions (ECAIs) for credit risk. The Implementing Regulations are part of the EU Single Rulebook for banking and insurance aimed at creating a safe and sound regulatory framework consistently applicable across the European Union (EU). The consultation runs until 26 June 2023.
Respond to the consultation
The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.
Reference documents
Consultation Paper on draft implementing technical standards amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1800 on the allocation of credit assessments of ECAIs to an objective scale of credit quality steps for Solvency II
Consultation Paper on draft implementing technical standards amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1799 on the mapping of ECAIs’ credit assessments for CRR