- Status
- Closed
- Opening date
- Deadline
Respond to the consultation
The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.
Reference documents
Related documents
EIOPA's Letter to the European Commission on the review of the IORP Directive 2003/41/EC
EIOPA’s Advice to the European Commission on the review of the IORP Directive 2003/41/EC
Reasoned feedback - part 1
Reasoned feedback - part 2
Reasoned feedback - part 3
Reasoned feedback - part 4
Reasoned feedback - part 5
Reasoned feedback - part 6
Reasoned feedback - part 7
Reasoned feedback - part 8
Reasoned feedback - part 9
Attached documents
Response to Call for Advice on the review of Directive 2003/41/EC: second consultation
Template for Responses
Comments received (a-c)
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ABI IT
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ABI UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ACA UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ACT
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ADEPO ES
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AEIP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AFG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AFPEN
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AFTI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ALFI and ALFP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AMICE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response AMONIS
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ANIA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response APL UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Ab A
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Alecta
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Aon Hewitt
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Association of Pensioneer Trustees in Ireland
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Assoprevidenza IT
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Assuralia
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Atos FR
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Atradius
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BASF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BAVC
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BDA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BIPAR
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BNP Paribas Cardif
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BNP Paribas SS
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BT Group plc
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BT Pension Scheme Management Ltd
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BVCA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BVI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BVPI-ABIP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response BW
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Balfour Beatty plc
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Bayer
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Black Rock
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Bosch Group
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Bosch Pensionsfonds AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response CBI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response CEA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response CMHF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response CNV NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response CWC
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Charles Cronin OPSG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Chris Barnard
Comments received (d-h)
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DATA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DG Treasury FR
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DHL NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DHL Services Limited UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DHL Trustees
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response DIIR Germany
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response De Unie
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Derek Scott of D L Scott
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Deutsche Post AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Deutsche Post Pensionsfonds AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Dutch Labour Foundation
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EAPSPI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ECB
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ecie vie
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ECIIA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EEF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EFAMA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EFI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EFRP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EMCEF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EPRA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ESY FI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response EVCA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response European Metalworkers Federation
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FAIDER
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FBIA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FFSA FR
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FNMF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FNV
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FNV Bondgenoten
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response FRC
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Fair Pensions
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Federal Ministry of Finance DE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Federation Dutch Pension Funds
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Finland
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Finnish Centre for Pensions
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response GCAE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Gazelle
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Generali Vie
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Gesamtmetall
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response HM Treasury
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response HVB
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Hundred Group
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority
Comments received (i-s)
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response IBM Germany Pensionskasse and Pensionsfunds
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ICAEW
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response IMA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ING
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response IVS DE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response KPMG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Keills
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response LTO Netherlands
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response LTPP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response LV 1871 Pensionsfonds AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Le cercle des epargnants
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response MAN Pensionsfonds AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response MAN SE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response MCP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response MHP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Macfarlanes
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Mercer
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response NAPF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response NEST
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Nordmetall
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response OECD
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response OPSG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response PEIF
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response PFZW NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response PMT PME Mn Services NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response PSV a G
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response PTK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Pensioen Stichting Transport NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Pensionskasse der Mitarbeiter der Hoechst Gruppe VVa G
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Prof.Pelsser Maastricht University
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Punter Southall
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Pw C LLP UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response RNLI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response RPTCL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response RWE AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Reed Elsevier Group
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Rio Tinto
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response SAI
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response SPAG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response SPC UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Sacker and Partners LLP
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Siemens AG
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Social Partners Bosch Group Germany
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Standard Life plc
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response State Street
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Predica
Comments received (t-z)
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response TCO
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response TESCO
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response TUC
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response TW
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response TWD
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Transport for London
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response UNI Europa
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response USS UK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Vbw DE
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response VFPK
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response VHP2
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Vv V NL
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response Whitbread
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ZIA
IORP-Cfa-2nd-Response ZVK Bau