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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 985

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.08.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 06 Sep 2018


We note that in column C0180, "Identification code Asset / liability underlying the derivative", "Multiple assets/liabilities” is a valid input. When this is the case, what should be the input for C0190, "ID Code Type of the Asset / liability underlying the derivative"? We believe that in this situation, no ID Code Type should be reported, i.e. this field should be blank. This is consistent with how the same items are treated on S.08.01.

Could you confirm that "blank" is a valid input on C0190? If not, could you confirm how this field is to be input? The valid options based on a strict reading of the Log file would be 1-9 or 99, but none of these options are consistent with the selection of "Multiple assets/liabilities" in C0180, so we believe that none of these are appropriate.

EIOPA answer

The ITS 2018 amendments further clarifies that in S.36.02.C0190 is to be selected 99 – Code attributed by the undertaking in case that none of the above options are available. This option shall also be used for the cases of "Multiple assets/liabilities" and indexes.

Please see also in page 25 of the following document: