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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 767

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 05 Aug 2016


Could you please specify in more detail what kind of data is expected w.r.t. accepted reinsurance.
Shall the data reflect the contracts and products in the portfolio of the direct insurer or the contracts between reinsurer and direct insurer?

Does e.g. the contract in number of contracts refer to the contract between reinsurer and direct insurer? Or to the number of contracts in the portfolio of the direct insurer that are subject to the reinsurance contract?

EIOPA answer

All information reported should refer to the accepted reinsurance. In the case referred the information regarding the number of contracts should relate to the reinsurance contracts originating the technical provision. It would correspond to the number of contracts where the undertaking acts as reinsurer.

In this case, in particular, C0100 (Product classification) should be filled in with “5 – Other” and C0140 should be filled in with “4 - Other, any other case not mentioned in options above or a combination”.