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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 743

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.02.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 05 Aug 2016


Property held for own use reported in the template S.02.01 Balance sheet should be equal to the Property, held for own use that reported in the reporting template S.06.02.
Unfortunately, we have many buildings, which are partially own-used and partially rented. As we use only one Asset ID code per building, we can assign only one CIC code in the S. template (which is XT93 if more than 50% is own-used or XT91/XT92 vice versa) for each single building.

Should we split one building into different Asset ID codes (for up to three CIC categories) and different CIC categories, even if it is still the same building?
Or should we assign to each building only one CIC code? This would cause in EBS that the whole market value of the mixed-use buildings would be assigned to either own-used or rented property according to the major usage of that particular building.

EIOPA answer

In the case explained the property should be reported in as many lines as needed to properly identify the correct CIC code. The ID of the asset should also be different in this case for technical reasons.

Also in the balance-sheet the property should be properly divided. In fact the property should be divided in different fractions as different market values may be observed for rented/non rented property. This however depends on the national legislation on this regard.
In case of doubt please contact your supervisory authority.