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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 742

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35, 336, 230, 335

Template: S.01.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 22 Dec 2016


As per BV344 of EIOPA_Solvency II_Validataions_2.0.1 document it is stated that "if {S.01.01, r0460,c0010}=[s2c_CN:x1] then {S.23.01, r0590,c0010}={S.25.02, r0220,c0100}."

As per instructions log (S.23.01) for R0590/C0010 it is given that "Consolidated Group SCR calculated for the consolidated data in accordance with Article 336 (letter a-b-c-d) of  Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35"

As per instructions log (S.25.01) for R0220/C0100 it is given that " Amount of the Solvency Capital Requirement for undertakings under method 1 as defined in Article 230 of Directive 2009/138/EC”

1.    In which cells shall the proportional share of the solvency capital requirement for companies consolidated using the adjusted equity method, Article 335 1 (d) in the delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/35, and the proportional share of the undertakings' own funds calculated according to the relevant sectoral rules, Article 335 1 (e) in the delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/35, be reported in S.25.01.04 so that the summation of R0220 in S.25.01.04 complies with R0590 in S.23.01.04?

EIOPA answer

Please see answer to Q&A number 691 published on EIOPA website on 10 May 2016 (in the file with questions referring to Final report on the ITS on the templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities (CP-14-052)), as well as answer to Q&A number 702 published on 17 May 2016 (in the same file), in which it was confirmed that the value in cell R0220 in S.25.01.04 should be the sum of the following cells: R0200 (diversified part of the consolidated SCR, referred to in Article 336 point a) of the Commission Delegated regulation 2015/35), R0210 (capital add-ons), R0500 (Article 336 point (c) of the Commission Delegated regulation 2015/35), R0540 (Article 336 point (b) of the Commission Delegated regulation 2015/35), R0550 (Article 336 point (d) of the Commission Delegated regulation 2015/35). The validation check BV136 will be amended accordingly (cells will be added: R0500, R0540 and R0550).