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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 722

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on reporting for financial stability purposes

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 25 Jul 2016


The QRT Log provides the following guideline: „The amount of discretionary benefits distributed, vested, declared or allotted to policyholders (profit or loss sharing) over the monitoring period (previous year) divided by total technical provisions for contracts displaying such features (e.g. insurance with profit participation) at the start of the period (1 January).”    

If we consider a traditional Life Insurance Policy, does this translate to the sum of direct credit to the policyholder (“Direktgutschrift”) and the inflow during the year into the account “Liability for policyholders’ share in accumulated participating earnings”, in German -“Rfb”( Rückstellung für Beitragsrückerstattung) divided by the Reserves at the beginning of the year?

EIOPA answer

In the case of a German traditional Life Insurance Policy, the numerator shall be calculated as: ‘direct credits’ (“Direktgutschrift”)  + ‘allocation to the provision for premium refunds‘ (“Zuführung zur RfB”)
The denominator shall be calculated as the TP, in the (in the case of the traditional Life Insurance Policy in Germany, where the contract is with profit participation).