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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


Question ID: 5

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on submission of information to NCAs (Preparatory phase)

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 11 Dec 2013


Regarding the quantitative reporting template OF-B1 for solo undertakings, the formula for cell Q2 includes the non-existent field AS14. From my understanding, this has to be the cell LS14. 

Can you confirm this and consider in further definitions in QRTs. 

EIOPA answer

The formula is in fact incorrect. The correct formula should be:  “NOT APPLICABLE  for the purpose of preparatory phase
Cells L1, L4, L6B, L7, L10, and LS14 are taken from S.02.01 
Q2 = (L1+L4+L6B+L7+L10 valued according with Solvency II rules) - (L1+L4+L6B+L7+L10 valued according with accounting rules+LS14)”
This amendment will be taken into consideration in the future ITS.