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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 26

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on submission of information to NCAs (Preparatory phase)

Article: 35

Template: S.02.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 10 Feb 2014


Cell references are not unique in the annual Balance sheet templates (S.02.01.b and S.02.01.g). Each item with both Solvency II and Statutory accounts value are denoted with identical cell references. In earlier versions of these templates statutory items were marked with the "AS" prefix whereas Solvency II values with "A". Is this change intentional? 

EIOPA answer

The change was intentional as we are describing the cells independently from the different valuations. Solvency II valuations have to follow Solvency II framework and Statutory accounts have to follow local GAAP (please note that for some countries local GAAP may be IFRS).