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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2470

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Topic: Long Term Guarantees (LTGs)

Article: Article 35 of SII Directive

Template: S.22.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 01 Aug 2022


Do we consider both life and non-life products for the QRT S.22.01?

Background of the question

As per the regulation document we have, This template is relevant when at least one long term guarantee measure or transitional is used by the undertaking. This template shall reflect the impact on the financial positions when no transitional is used and each LIG measures or transitional is set to zero. For that purpose, a cumulative step-by-step approach should be followed taking out each transitional and LTG measure one by one and without recalculating the impact of the remaining measures after each step. But there is no mention of not report for non-life products in the documentation.

EIOPA answer

S.22.01 is relevant for life and non-life business as transitionals and the volatility adjustment are relevant for non-life business too. Undertakings that neither applied any transitional nor any LTG measures are exempted from reporting S.22.01. However, if the undertaking applies any long-term guarantee or transitional measure, the template should be reported for the whole business of the undertakings, regardless of the lines of business that may be affected by such measures​.