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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2412

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Topic: Reporting Templates

Article: 35 of SII Directive

Template: S.01.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 30 Mar 2022


In case the undertaking neither holds "subordinated mutual members accounts", "preference shares", "subordinated liabilities", "Other items approved by supervisory authority", "Own funds from the financial statements ... ", "ancillary own funds", "RFFs" or "MAPs" we believe it should be possible to be excepted from reporting S.23.04 without a special justification. This is currently not the case. We would suggest to add a new option in S.01.01 R0440 for this, named something like "Not reported, as no such items are part of the own funds".

Background of the question

It is not very uncommon for small companies not to have anything in this template, and it seems unnecessary to require reporting an empty template or require the small companies to apply for a formal exception. Validations could be added, to check if this template is reported in case any of the items in S.23.01 are non-zero, to avoid incorrect use of this exception.

EIOPA answer

Thank you for your proposal. EIOPA will evaluate and discuss it during the next ITS amendments as the 2022 ITS amendments have been submitted to the European Commission and current changes are not possible.