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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2049

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2009/138 - Solvency II Directive (Insurance and Reinsurance)

Topic: Reporting Templates

Article: 35

Template: S.06.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 06 Nov 2019


1. Are recoverables and payables not to be reported for linked products only?

2. If so, for non-linked products, do we include dividend/interest receivable within the asset market value, or report the receivable balance separately in its own line under asset category 0 - Other Investments?

3. Or, would receivables and payables be considered as part of Cash?

Background of the question

"This template contains an item–by–item list of assets held directly by the undertaking (i.e. not on a look–through
basis), classifiable as asset categories 0 to 9 (in case of unit–linked and index–linked product managed by the
(re)insurance undertaking, the assets to be reported are also only the ones covered by asset categories 0 to 9, e.g.
recoverables and liabilities related to this products shall not be reported), with the following exceptions:
a) Cash shall be reported in one row per currency, for each combination of items C0060, C0070, C0080 and

EIOPA answer

1.No, the reporting instruction does not refer only to assets held in unit or index-linked contracts.

For both cases, for assets held in or out of unit-linked or index-linked contracts, the template contains an item–by–item list of assets classifiable as asset categories 0 to 9.  This means that the assets that are not classifiable under any category should not be included as an separated item in S.06.02, e.g. deferred tax, pension benefit surplus, recoverables and dividend/interest receivables.

2/3.      In case the item cannot be classified within the categories 0-9, the item is not to be reported in S.06.02.However, they should still be included in the balance sheet. If no other categorization on the balance sheet fit, they should be included in R0420 - Any other assets, not elsewhere shown.