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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2048

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Topic: Reporting Templates

Article: 35

Template: S.06.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 04 Nov 2019


"Quantity" and "Par Amount" is to be reported on a position level whereas "Unit Solvency II price" and "Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price" must be unique per investment.

For us the values  "Solveny II Amount", "Accrued Interest", "Quantity" and "Par Amount" are taken as delivered by our subsidiaries.

A unique price is not available why we decided to calculate it per Solo entity and investment and not according EIOPA´s definition.

Our approach leads to deviations with applied validation rules.

Shouldn´t it be possible that the price per position can differ?

In addition we would like use at least 6 decimal places for both price categories.

BV783: not({c0290} like '##71' or {c0290} like '##9#' or {c0290} like '##09')

if {c0130} <> empty then {c0170} = {c0130} * {c0370} + {c0180}

Message: The "Total Solvency II amount" is different from the product of "Quantity" and "Unit Solvency II price" plus "Accrued interest".

BV784: not({c0290} like '##71' or {c0290} like '##9#' or {c0290} like '##09')

if {c0140} <> empty then {c0170} = {c0140} * {c0380} + {c0180}

Message: The "Total Solvency II amount" is different from the product of "Par amount" and "Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price" plus "Accrued interest".

EIOPA answer

The price per position is unique for each investment. Different values for the “Unit Solvency II price" or "Unit percentage of par amount Solvency II price" should not be possible for the same assets and could relate to data quality issues.