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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 192

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on submission of information to NCAs (Preparatory phase)

Article: 35

Template: S.02.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 29 Oct 2015


If a group has an insurance undertaking at the head of the group (ie no holding company) – does it need to do 'Group' templates as well as entity templates?
For example, should it produce a balance sheet using S.02.01.g as well as a balance sheet using S.02.01.b? Note that there will be a high degree of similarity between the Group and the Company balance sheets. If a group has an insurance undertaking at the head of the group (ie no holding company) – does it need to do 'Group' templates as well as entity templates?
For example, should it produce a balance sheet using S.02.01.g as well as a balance sheet using S.02.01.b? Note that there will be a high degree of similarity between the Group and the Company balance sheets.

EIOPA answer

Yes. In case there is an insurance or reinsurance undertaking at the head of the group, this undertaking is subject to both types of requirements: requirements applicable to individual (re)insurance undertakings as well as requirements applicable at the group level.