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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1904

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Topic: Reporting Templates

Article: NA

Template: S.06.01

Status: Revised

Date of submission: 04 Apr 2019


When a company sells equity there will be a short term cash receivable during the time the shares been sold but the settlement for cash is not made. In the balance sheet S.02.01 it will be reported in R0420/ Any other assets, not elsewhere shown. In S.06.02 List of assets. Our view is that the settlement claim should be reported in C0170 with CIC code XT09 or possibly XT79?

EIOPA answer

The Balance sheet S.02.01 and List of Assets S.06.02 need to be reported in line with each other.

"Deposits other than cash equivalents" reported in the template S.02.01 Balance sheet should be equal to the total "Deposits other than cash equivalents" that are not held in index-linked and unit-linked contracts reported in the line-by-line assets reporting template S.06.02. 

"Cash and cash equivalents" reported in the template S.02.01 Balance sheet should be equal to the total "Cash and cash equivalents" that are not held in index-linked and unit-linked contracts reported in the line-by-line assets reporting template S.06.02.

Given the information provided, the classification with the CIC Code XT79 seems correct. In this case it needs to be reported in the balance sheet as “Any other assets, not elsewhere shown” (R0420).