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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1732

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 22 May 2019


In terms of the new taxonomy 2.3 we would like to clarify what is expected in C150 / R230, R240 and 250.

My question comes from the fact that C150 is value for Total Life so at first glance it looks very easy – just to sum up partial values for individual LoBs in rows R230, R240 and R250.
However depending on LoB there is either only R230 (Guaranted and FDB) or only R240 (Guaranted) and R250 (FDB) filled in.

So the question is whether it’s expected that
1. C150/R230 is sum of C030/R230 + C060/R230 + C090/R230
2. C150/R230 is equal to C150/R240 + C150/R250

EIOPA answer

In S.12.01 it is expected that C150/R230 is equal to C150/R240 + C150/R250 where:
C0150/R0230 - Total amount of discounted Cash out–flows (payments to policyholders and beneficiaries) for future guaranteed benefits and for future discretionary benefits for Life other than health insurance, including Unit–Linked.

In S.12.01 it is not expected C150/R230 to be equal to C150/R240 + C150/R250 as for some LoBs, like UL or other life insurance, there is no split between guaranteed or discretionary benefits. In fact, C150/R230 = C0020/R0240 + C0100/R0240 + C0020/R0250 +C0100/R0250 + C0030/R0230 + C0060/R0230 + C0090/R0230.