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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1576

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 31 Jul 2018


Let us suppose speaking about reporting EY 2017. As per your instruction
This template shall be filled by the insurance and reinsurance undertaking which is transferring underwriting risk to the reinsurers through a reinsurance treaty whose period of validity includes or overlaps the next reporting year and are known when filling the template.

The report should contain cessions whose period of validity includes or overlaps year 2018. If there is the cession (C2017) with inception date 15/04/2017, expiry date 14/04/2018 that has a set of condition “X” and the renewal of the cession C2017 (C2018) with inception date 15/04/2018,  expiry date 14/04/2019 that has a set of condition “Y”, which cession has to be reported ? C2017, C2018 or both of them ?

EIOPA answer

In the example both cessions C2017 and C2018 are to be reported as both templates are prospective and as such should reflect the treaties effective and valid during the next reporting year.