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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1561

Regulation Reference: Risk-Free Interest Rate - General questions

Article: 43

Status: Final

Date of submission: 26 Jun 2018


I have a few of questions regarding the implementation of the ultimate forward rate (UFR).

(1) Q: Does the European Commission or Parliament have to adopt and publish an Implementing Act that approves of the methodology proposed by EIOPA, or is EIOPA’s proposal legally binding?

(2) Q: Does the European Commission or Parliament have to adopt and publish an Implementing Act that formalises the 4.05% for 2018? In other words: is the 4.05% legally binding for 2018?

(3) Q: If Implementing Acts are required, is there a fixed timeline for (when) these Implementing Acts to be published? E.g. the first day after a calendar quarter?

EIOPA answer

As the question is of legal nature, we asked the European Commission to provide response with the following result:
The answer to all questions is no. Please refer to article 77e(2) of Directive 2009/138/EC (Solvency II).