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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1459

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.29.03

Status: Final

Date of submission: 03 Apr 2018


The log file S.29.04 states for R0060 'Adjustment of valuation of Assets held for unit–linked funds' that "This item is added to the premiums and intends to eliminate the impact from unit–linked funds.".

However, premiums in R0010 (= S.29.03.01 R0310) only covers "technical flows affecting technical provisions but that are not reflected in the closing best estimate", i.e. premiums reflected in the closing BE would not be included in this balance.
Therefore, how is adding R0060 (= S.29.03.01 R0300 'Variation in UL assets') eliminating the impact from unit-linked funds?

EIOPA answer

All amounts to be reported in R0010 to R0050 and from R0080 to R0120 should include amounts related to index-linked and unit-linked business.

In R0060 and R0130 the net impact of the amount of the assets held by index-linked and unit-linked business and of Technical provisions – index-linked and unit-linked (calculated as best estimate and risk margin or calculate as a whole) should be reported split by periods for information.

With this new application for index-linked and unit-linked business BV148 and BV149 have to be amended.