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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1075

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.14.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 06 Mar 2017


We interpret the guidance to state that for each product code, if greater than 10% of TP or written premiums is written in a particular country, then that country has its own row.  If less than 10% of TP or written premiums is written in a particular country, it can be combined with other countries representing less than 10%, and reported in just one row.
a)    Please can you confirm this interpretation is correct.  
b)    Furthermore, is it a requirement to combine these countries, or can we report separately if we wish, no matter how small?

EIOPA answer

In C0080 should be reported ISO 3166 code of the country where the contract was entered into. We confirm that for countries representing more than 10 % of technical provisions or written premiums for a given product the country will has a separate row. For countries representing less than 10 % of Technical Provisions or written premiums for a given product, a list of ISO 3166 Codes of the countries concerned using a split by a "," is to be reported.
For products which are reported in more than one row, the content of C0010 (and C0090) should follow specific pattern: {ID code of product}/+/{number of version}. For example 'AB222/+/3'.