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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1069

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2452 - procedures, formats and templates of the solvency and financial condition report

Article: 35

Template: S.04.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 17 Mar 2017


In the Annex II S.04.02 for the Item C0020/R0020 Branch - Frequency of Claims for Motor Vehicle  Liability (except carriers liability) it is not clear to us what exactly and in which format we need to report the "Frequency":
1. Should the value be provided as "integer" or as "decimal"?
2. What is meant by the Frequency of Claims for Motor Vehicle  Liability? Is it:
- Number of Claims
- Number of Claims over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period
- or something else?

 as the text can be understood as:
- Report: Number of claims (as integer)
- Report: Number of claims / over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period 

EIOPA answer

In S.04.02 the value in C0020/R0020 „Frequency of claims for Motor Vehicle Liability (except carrier's liability)" to be reported in integer format is the Number of claims, for each branch in relation to the business performed in the country where the branch is established, incurred with regard to class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive (except carrier's liability), over the average insured vehicles in the reporting period. The average insured vehicles correspond to the mean between the number of insured vehicles at the end of the reporting year and the number of insured vehicles at the end of the year before the reporting year. Claims without any incurred amounts shall not be taken into account.

For this reason, the number to be reported cannot be an Integer. This is identified in "The list of known issues" as issue number 103.
Supervisory reporting - DPM and XBRL