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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1051

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 11 Jan 2017


I have got a question regarding the "new" infrastructure investment. Could you tell me te difference between option 2 and 3.
2) Infra. Struct. non-qualifying: Government Guarantee (Government, Central Bank, Regional Government or local authority)
3) infra. Struct. non-qualifying: Government supported including Public Financ. initiative (Government, Central Bank, Regional Government or local authority.)

As option 2 and option 3 are both supported by government, central bank, regional government or local authority.

I find this confusing, because government bond could also under option 2 and 3.

EIOPA answer

The difference between Option 2 and 3 is that in Option 2 the infrastructure assets/project with government guarantee (formal contractual guarantee) should be identified. Under option 3 it should be identified the infrastructure assets/projects that do not have a guarantee but are supported by government (or similar as described).
We did not understood the reference to government bonds, please note the definition of infrastructure asset and infrastructure project entity denined in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/467 of 30 September 2015.