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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1047

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Status: Final

Date of submission: 11 Jan 2017


Similar to the previous one, what should C0090/R0600 reflect? Is it:
a)    summation of values in R0400 to R0590 or
b)    should C0090/R0600 reflect diversification between specified regions (therefore it is not summation of previous rows but the formula in Delegated Acts should be applied)?

For the sake of consistency with your previous answer, I would say that it should be b). But I am not entirely convinced that validation for C0120/R0600 would be meaningful. It depends on the fact if C0100/R0600 and C0110/R0600 are or are not summation of rows 400-590.

Could you please comment on this issue?

EIOPA answer

The template reflects the calculation as in Article 121 of the Delegated Regulation. R0400 to R0590 reflect the calculation of the capital requirement for windstorm risk in a particular region set out in Annex V. This should include the diversification effects between risk zones within each region (as set out in Annex XXII).

R0600 should correspond to the total of the 20 EEA regions.

This means that it is interpretation a) from your question. This is not an inconsistency but reflecting the different treatment of the regions.