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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 1042

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.05.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 14 Feb 2017


The items in question for Life/Health are

Annex I - S.29.03.01    - Analysis of changes due to technical provisions            
Technical flows affecting Technical provisions  LIFE    
Premiums written during the period    R0310      
Claims and Benefits during the period, net of salvages and subrogations     R0320         
Expenses (excluding Investment expenses)     R0330

The impact of the change of BEL and Risk Margin on the Excess of Assets over Liabilities (EAL) is intuitively clear. But we are in doubt what else EIOPA considers as a technical provision related circumstance with effect on the EAL.

Could you please provide a more detailed explanation what else – besides the variation of TP themselves – is supposed to be conquered in S.29.03. ?
Could you please give typical Life/Health examples of circumstances when R0310 / R0320 / R0330 in S.29.03 are supposed to differ from zero?

In an older version of the QRTs (VA C2C), the Technical flows (besides adjustment for salvages and subrogations) were supposed to be taken from Cover A1 (now S.05.01). In the current version of the QRTs and LOGs, such a connection between S.29.03 Technical flows and S.05.01 is not mentioned any more. Could you please explain whether you still see a connection between S.05.01 and the Technical flows in S.29.03 and if so, what the connection looks like.

EIOPA answer

Conceptually there is a connection with amounts reported in template S.05.01., however, template S.05.01 is to be reported from an accounting perspective, i.e.: Local GAAP or IFRS if accepted as local GAAP while templates S.29 should use Solvency II valuation.

The amounts to be reported as technical flows should correspond to the technical flows during the year, i.e. not included in the closing best estimate. Should correspond to the premiums written during the period reported as positive.