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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
News article5 July 20191 min read

EIOPA establishes Expert Practitioner Panel on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)

  • The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) kicks-off its policy work on Level 2 measures for the PEPP Regulation
  • Challenging and diverse scope of deliverables - and tight timeframes - call for innovative and efficient solutions

Today, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) established its Expert Practitioner Panel on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP).

To deliver on the forthcoming PEPP Regulation's policy perspective to design a PEPP that exhibits high quality product features around information provision, risk-mitigating techniques and a cost cap for the basic PEPP, the feedback and support from practitioners is important. With the insights of the Expert Practitioner Panel, EIOPA will develop superior solutions and smart policy advice that incentivises financial innovation for the benefit of the European consumers.

The objectives of the Expert Practitioner Panel on PEPP are: 

  • To inform EIOPA's policy work
  • To test policy proposals
  • To act as sounding board supporting EIOPA delivering on its mandate

EIOPA's call for expression of interest of 2 May 2019 resulted in an extraordinary group of high-level experts with a diverse set of experiences and expertise, from all the different sectors of eligible PEPP providers.

EIOPA is pleased to confirm the following composition of its Expert Practitioner Panel on PEPP:

Aidan McLoughlin Independent Trustee 
Andrew Marker Vanguard
Axel Kleinlein Bund der Versicherten 
Carlo Parodi Intesa Sanpaolo 
Christian Lemaire Amundi 
Edward Hiller Fidelity  
Emanuele Maria Carluccio University of Verona 
Herman Kappelle Aegon 
Hugo Prenn UNIQA 
Jasper De Meyer   BEUC  - Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs
Jean-Paul Andre-Dumont Forsides 
Jens Rosendahl Frederiksen PFA 
Kristine Lomanovska SEB LV 
Olav Jones InsuranceEurope 
Paul Le Bihan Union Mutualist Retraite 
Piotr Wrzesinski PIU 
Sebastian Görgl Union Investment 
Simone Miotto PensionsEurope 
Stefan Voicu Better Finance 
Til Klein  Vantik 
Tobias Rieck Allianz 



Publication date
5 July 2019