Implementing technical standards are legislative provisions made by the European Commission on the basis of advice received from EIOPA.
The implementing technical standards are accessible via the rulebook.

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Technical standards (22)
RSSFinal Report on draft Implementing Technical Standards
- Documents type
- Report
- Technical standard
Joint Final Report on draft RTS on subcontracting ICT services supporting critical or important functions under DORA
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Topics type
- Digitalisation
- Cyber Risks
Second batch of policy products under DORA
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Guidelines
- Topics type
- Digitalisation
- Cyber Risks
Draft Regulatory Technical Standards adapting the base euro amounts for professional indemnity insurance and for financial capacity of intermediaries under the Insurance Distribution Directive
- Documents type
- Technical standard
The rules include a first set of final draft technical standards under the DORA to enhance the digital operational resilience of the EU financial sector by strengthening financial entities’ Information and ICT and third-party risk management and incident reporting framework.
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Topics type
- Digitalisation
- Regulation
Final Report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the review of PAI and financial product disclosures in the SFDR Delegated Regulation
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Topics type
- Sustainability
In the amended ITS published today the European Supervisory Authorities are proposing to change the credit quality step (CQS) allocation for four ECAIs, and to introduce new or amended credit rating scales for seven ECAIs.
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Report
- Topics type
- Regulation
The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have developed through the Joint Committee (JC) draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) with regard to the content and presentation of information to be provided in pre-contractual documents, on websites, and in periodic reports about the exposure of...
- Documents type
- Report
- Technical standard
- Topics type
- Sustainability
- Disclosure
The amendments have been publicly consulted in 2021 and based on the feedback received further reviewed and in many cases changes introduced in line with the comments received. The current draft is considered by EIOPA balanced and is expected to bring several benefits, which will ultimately lead...
- Documents type
- Technical standard
- Topics type
- Reporting
- Disclosure