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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • Consultation
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Consultation on scenarios for best-estimate valuations for life insurance obligations - Solvency II Review


Opening date

Target audience

This ITS relates to a simplification of the valuation for life insurance obligations that will be introduced with the Solvency II review. The simplification is foreseen to be used by specific small and non-complex undertakings. The ITS sets out the methodology for deriving technical information that insurers will need when applying the simplification.

Respond to the consultation

EIOPA invites stakeholders to provide their feedback on the Consultation Paper by responding to the questions via the online surveys no later than 2 January 2025. All responses will be published on EIOPA’s website unless otherwise requested.

Reference documents

  • 1 OCTOBER 2024
EIOPA-BoS-24-324_CP on ITS on methodology for scenarios for prudent deterministic valuation.pdf