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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

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In S.12.01, for Direct business, FGB R0240 and FDB R0250 are disclosed for WP business only (in C0020) – with a combined R0230 “Future guaranteed and discretionary benefits” disclosure for other lines of direct business (i.e. in C0030, C0060, C0090, C0160). Direct business disclosures are...

In S.06.02 - C0170 the value is "Total Solvency II amount" specified as value calculated as defined by the Directive.In S.06.03 - C0060 tthe value is "Total amount" defined as "Total amount invested by asset category, country and currency through collective investment undertakings". Our question...

Should the look-through approach be followed when populating the S.02.02 report? Is it applicable when determining the reporting obligation (i.e. provision that the template is required to be submitted if one single currency represents more than 90% oa assets and also of liabilities)?If the look...

Part of the above mentioned templates is for Underwriting year and part of it is for Accident year. Can both be entered for the same legal entity?

Could you please clarify what do you expect to be the Trigger value (cell A21) for plain vanilla swaps (CIC D1)?

We have a question regarding cash collaterals that are held in other institutions as open position (on derivatives/loans) collaterals.In general, should they be treated in Solvency II as cash and cash equivalents (balance sheet pos. R0410) or other receivables (R0380)?Cash collaterals, by...

What should be done when company purchases same fund twice but quoted in different currencies (and both are purchased!).This situation is reflected in S.06.02 by using special coding reflecting the fact company owns both funds - for example:CAU/ISIN/UK1234567890+USDCAU/ISIN/UK1234567890+EURMy...

This question relates to the requirement to report the top 10 Facultative risks by LoB. Can you confirm the criteria to be used to identify the top 10 risks given that a savings product with the same sum assured as a protection product will carry significantly less risk? If reinsured exposure to...

This question relates to the requirement to report the Gross Estimated Treaty Premium Income for the contract period. Can you clarify the definition of “contract period” – is this the year ahead, in keeping with the form reporting on the outgoing reinsurance program in the next reporting year, or...

Field C0060 of template S.09.01 requires identification of assets that are held by unit linked and index linked contracts. Does this identification also apply to fields C0070 – C0110? As unit linked investments are by definition excluded from group income statement, we assume that the same is...