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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Eurobarometer: what EU citizens say about insurance

What do EU citizens think about their insurance protection?

Eurobarometer 2022 - what Europeans think about their insurance protection

Natural catastrophes, cyber-attacks, pandemics, economic crisis, or other events with substantial economic and social consequences have been increasingly occurring in past years. Due to their detrimental nature such events cause significant harm to consumers, SMEs, and society as a whole.

The eurobarometer shows that in the event of a natural catastrophe, around half of consumers would either be fully or partially covered. Many consumers (20%) reported being unsure about the coverage in their policies. This figure is twice as high as the one for the other two 
events – i.e., loss of employment and urgent medical expense indicating issues in terms of coverage for systemic events. 

What are the top reasons EU citizens do not buy or renew insurance policies?

Affordability and budgetary constraints are the main reason why 19% of European consumers do not buy or renew insurance.

Main reasons (top 5) not to buy  or renew insurance policies

To learn more, see our Eurobarometer study