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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Supervisory statements

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Supervisory statements (29)

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  • General publications

The aim of this Supervisory Statement is to ensure appropriate supervision and monitoring of the compliance of insurance undertakings and intermediaries with the requirements of the relevant EU legislation in relation to their governance arrangements in third countries.

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

The Supervisory Statement addresses the main impacts of inflation on insurance and reinsurance undertakings, which may affect both life and non-life business.Itis issued to support the end of the year Solvency II calculations. The impact of the inflation is undertaking specific, and this...

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • Solvency II
  • General publications

The frequency and sophistication of cyber incidents in the financial sector has increased substantiallyover the course of the last few years, as economic and financial activities have been heavily digitalised.Against this backdrop, EIOPA recommends NCAs to dedicate higher attention to the...

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • Cyber Risks
  • Cyber insurance
  • General publications

The aim of the statement is to ensure that a high-quality and convergent supervision is applied to run-off undertakings and portfolios while taking into account their specific nature and risks, the principle of proportionality and the prudent person principle.

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

The supervisory statement on Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) in the context of COVID-19 pandemicfocuses on the supervision of the internal processes of undertakings that are necessary for having a good quality ORSA in place.The statement is accompanied with the resolution of comments from...

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • ORSA
  • General publications

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) provides this Supervisory Statement on the basis of Article 29(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 to promote common supervisory approaches and practices.This Supervisory Statement is based on Directive (EU) 2016/2341 (‘the IORP II...

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • IORP
  • Supervision
  • Supervisory framework
  • General publications

Following EIOPA’s Recommendations of 20 March 2020 on annual and quarterly reporting and publication deadlines, EIOPA considers that insurance and reinsurance undertakings should now be in condition to comply with the deadlines provided in the Solvency II framework.

Documents type
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • COVID-19
  • Reporting
  • Solvency II
  • Supervision
  • General publications

Following the statement issued on 1 April 2020 on mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 situation on consumers, and taking into account different measures taken by a number of insurance manufacturers, EIOPA considers it important to further clarify its expectations on the application of Product...

Documents type
  • Publication
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • Consumer protection
  • COVID-19
  • General publications

1. The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has been closely monitoring the coronavirus/COVID-19 developments in relation to the occupational pensions sector. As long-term investors Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs) can play a stabilising role in...

Documents type
  • Recommendation
  • Supervisory statement
Topics type
  • COVID-19