Protocols, decisions and memoranda of understanding relate to the collaboration with supervisory authorities and international bodies.

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Protocols, decisions and memoranda (25)
RSSESAs Decision the reporting by competent authorities to the ESAs of information necessary for the designation of critical ICT third-party service providers
- Documents type
- Decision
- Other documents
Annex II to the EIOPA Decision on collaboration regarding the transfer of registered office of (re)insurance undertakings
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type
- Supervision
- Governance
Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange
- Documents type
- Memoranda
- Topics type
- Cyber Risks
EIOPA has decided to revise the information it receives from national supervisors on occupational pensions, amending the system in place since 2018.
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type
On 30 January 2023, EIOPA signed a cooperation framework with the Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) on co-operation in the area of insurance supervision. The cooperation framework promotes mutual understanding, exchange of information and technical assistance between the two authorities.
- Documents type
- Memoranda
- Topics type
- Organisation
As part of its Data and IT Strategy EIOPA identified the need to amend its previous Decision on Collection of Information (EIOPA-BoS-15/198) enhancing its scope, not only to Solvency II, but also addressing information on Pensions (IORP) and Pan-European Pension Products (PEPP) frameworks.The...
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type
- Reporting
- Organisation
Decision of the Board of Supervisors on the reporting of the pan-European Personal Pension Product key information document
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type
- Supervisory framework
Decision on the Collaboration of the Insurance Supervisory Authorities
- Documents type
- Protocols
- Topics type
- Organisation
The first Decision on EIOPA's regular information requests towards NCAs regarding IORPs was adopted in April 2018. Its business requirements were mainly based on Solvency II 2.2.0 and the taxonomy was partially implemented in line with Solvency II taxonomy 2.3.0.On 2 June, EIOPA BoS approved...
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type
- Organisation
Decisions of the Board of Supervisors on occupational pensions and IORPs
- Documents type
- Decision
- Topics type