Read EIOPA's annual activity report and the summaries translated into all EU languages, as well as the annual report of the Joint Committee of the three Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA - ESAs).

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Annual reports (32)
RSSSupervisory Convergence Plan for 2024
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Supervision
The report on the use of limitations and exemptions from Solvency II is an EIOPA Annual Report evidencing how many NCAs grant limitations and/or exemptions from Solvency II reporting requirements to ‘solo’ undertakings and groups.
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Reporting
- Solvency II

In 2022, under EIOPA’s chairmanship, the Joint Committee continued to play a coordinating role to facilitate discussions and the exchange of information across the three ESAs, the European Commission and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB).
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Report
- Topics type
- Organisation

The Annual Report 2021 issetting out EIOPA's activities and achievements of the past year.2021 continued under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. EIOPA carried out a demanding Annual Work Programme and welcomed Petra Hielkema in September 2021 as Chairperson for a five year mandate.
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Corporate documents
- Topics type
- Organisation
In 2021, the Joint Committee under the chairmanship of the ESMA, continued to have a central role for the coordination and exchange of information between the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), the European Commission (EC) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). The main areas of cross...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Report
- Topics type
- Organisation
In 2020, the Joint Committee under the chairmanship of the EBA, continued to have a central role for the coordination and exchange of information between the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), the European Commission (EC) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). Progress continued on...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Report
- Topics type
- Organisation

Throughout the course of 2019, EIOPA continued to play an essential role in the supervision of insurance and pensions in Europe, working closely with national supervisory authorities, European institutions and other stakeholders to fulfil its strategic objectives set out in its annual work...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Publication
- Topics type
- Organisation

In 2018, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) continued to play an essential role in strengthening supervision of the European insurance and pensions sectors.The European Court of Auditors who concluded that EIOPA makes an ‘important contribution to a common...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Organisation

EIOPA’s mission is to protect the public interest by contributing to the short-, medium- and long-term stability and effectiveness of the financial system, for the EU economy, its citizens and businesses. This mission is pursued by promoting a sound regulatory framework and consistent supervisory...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Organisation
Summary of the Annual Report 2016
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Reporting

This Annual Report details the Authority’s main achievements in 2016 across its main activities:to strengthen the protection of consumers;to improve the functioning of the EU internal market in the field of pensions and insurance; to strengthen the financial stability of the insurance and...
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Organisation
Summary of the Annual Report 2015
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Reporting
Summary of the Annual Report 2014
- Documents type
- Annual report
- Topics type
- Reporting