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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
General publications

Thematic Review on Credit Protection Insurance (CPI) sold via banks


Publication date
28 September 2022


EIOPA, with the support of National Competent Authorities (NCAs), has conducted a thematic review on the functioning of the EU market for credit protection insurance (CPI) products sold via banks (acting as insurance intermediaries) and how well it succeeds in delivering good consumer outcomes.

The thematic review focused on identifying potential sources of conduct risk and consumer detriment in order to allow EIOPA and NCAs to take relevant policy and supervisory measures if needed.

More generally it sought to assess whether consumers are being treated fairly and being placed at the heart of ‘bancassurance’ business model.

Here below you can download the report and the factsheet.

A short version of the thematic review is also available as a digital report

To find out more, watch this video where our experts explain how the review was conducted, what are the main findings of the review and what can be done to address them.



31 JANUARY 2023
Thematic review on Credit Protection Insurance sold via banks
31 JANUARY 2023
Factsheet - Thematic review on Credit Protection Insurance sold via banks.pdf