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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
General publications

Joint Committee Final Report on Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the mapping of ECAIs' credit assessment


Publication date
13 November 2023


In the amended ITS published today the European Supervisory Authorities are proposing to change the credit quality step (CQS) allocation for four ECAIs, and to introduce new or amended credit rating scales for seven ECAIs. Further, the amended ITS no longer contain mapping tables for the three ECAIs, whose licenses have been revoked since the previous amendment. The ESAs have published individual draft mapping reports illustrating how the methodology was applied to produce the amended mappings in line with the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) mandate.

To go to the final report of the European Banking Authority, click here.

The individual draft mapping reports are available here.


13 NOVEMBER 2023
JC 2023 049 - Final report - Amendment ITS on ECAIs mapping - Solvency II