Are you interested to know what type of saving products EU citizens hold?
What they think about private and workplace pensions? Or how confident Europeans are that they would live comfortably when they retire?
You are in the right place. EIOPA carried out an EU-wide Eurobarometer survey covering a representative sample of EU citizens.
About this survey:
- Carried out in June 2022
- Target population: EU citizens, 18 years and over
- Number of interviews: 25 880

What kind of saving products do Europeans have?
According to the EU-wide Eurobarometer survey (June 2022), over a third have a state pension and an investment product.
However, it also shows that over a third of Europeans do not own any type of product which would allow them to save.
What role play personal and workplace pension plans?
Although just one if five Europeans have either a personal or a workplace pension plan, around 34% to 50% of those surveyed indicated that funds from such pension arrangements would play a significant role in financing their retirement.
How confident are Europeans in living comfortably when they retire?
Over 50% of European consumers are not confident they would have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement.
There are important differences across European countries, as shown in the graph below.
In the Netherlands for example, where there is a strong and large occupational pension sector, the percentage of consumers who believe they would have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement is 20 percentage points above the European average of 45% while in Greece, Poland, and Latvia this is below 30%.