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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Consultation on framework to address value for money risk in the European unit-linked market


Opening date

Target audience

This consultation is a response to EIOPA’s repeatedly highlighted concerns that, while unit-linked products can and often do offer important benefits for policyholders, costs for some unit-linked products continue to remain too high. Existing concerns have been heightened by the COVID-19 crisis. The low interest rate environment coupled to market shocks and the risk that households will need increased access to liquidity, underline how important it is that unit-linked products always offer value to consumers.

EIOPA welcomes comments on the consultation paper on the framework to address value for money risk in the European unit-linked market by 16 July 2021 via the survey below.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

Consultation paper

31 JANUARY 2023
Consultation paper on framework to address value for money.pdf