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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Joint Board of Appeal

The Board of Appeal is a joint body of the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA), collectively known as the ESAs. It was introduced under the ESAs’ regulations to protect the rights of parties affected by decisions taken by the ESAs. Although its secretariat is supported by the ESAs, the Board of Appeal is fully independent and impartial.

The Board is responsible for deciding on appeals against certain decisions of the ESAs in accordance with Article 60 of the ESAs’ regulations. The decisions of the Board of Appeal can be appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union, as set out under Article 61 of the ESAs’ regulations and specific sectoral legislation.

Under Article 58(8) of the ESAs’ regulations, the ESAs provide operational and secretarial support to the Board of Appeal through the Joint Committee.

Related resources

31 JANUARY 2023
Decision of EIOPA's Management Board on the appointment of the Board of Appeal.pdf
31 JANUARY 2023
Board of appeal members declarations of