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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 833

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.04.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 19 Oct 2016


Per the annotated template (2.1.0 published 15/07/16) template S.04.01 has separated attributes C0080 and C0090 from C0100.  We have interpreted this to mean C0080 & C0090 are to report the considered country as the location of the branch, and C0100 is to report the considered country as where the FPS activity took place.

Example, Undertaking = UK,  Branch 1 = France.  Undertaking premium written £20 via FPS to Germany, Branch 1 premium written £80 via FPS to Germany  

R0020/C0020 = £20
R0020/C0080  - nil
R0020/C0090  £80 EEA member France
R0020/C0100 £100 EEA member Germany

We have also made the assumption C0100 equals the sum of (C0090 + C0020) for all branches, on the basis that C0060 is the sum of C0100 for all branches,  C0060 validates to (C0020 + C0050).  C0050 is the sum of C0090.  Is this assumption correct?

EIOPA answer

Your example is correct:
C0020/R0020 = 20
C0090/R0020 for R0010 FRANCE = 80
C0100/R0020 for R0010 GERMANY = 100

Regarding your statement we would say instead: “…sum of C0100 equals the sum of C0090 + C0020 for all members (as C0100 refers to the Member State not the branch), on the basis that C0060 is the sum of C0100 for all Members, C0060 validates to (C0020 + C0050). C0050 is the sum of C0090.”