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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 791

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2015/2450 - templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Article: 35

Template: S.01.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 06 Sep 2018


1) S.01.02 - R0070 - Language of reporting
LOG states: "...language used in the submission of information". What is expected to be filled when the company uses T4U for the XBRL creation? Does this fact somehow influence the language (all templates are in English)? Or we should put there company's official reporting language that is always used for creation of financial statements.

a) S.06.02 - C0110 and C0120
What is expected when there is no custodian? Should we put in C0110 home country of insurance undertaking and in C0120 name of the insurance undertaking because the assets are kept in custody by insurance company itself? Or both C0100 and C0120 are left blank. Or only C0110 is filled?

b) S.06.02 - C0240
i) Example: Government Bond, issuer (C0200) = Czech Republic Ministry of Finance.
What is correct under C0240 issuer group? Is it "Czech Republic"?

ii) What is expected where there is no ultimate parent undertaking (issuer is not part of any group) or the issuer is the ultimate? Do we need to left C0240 blank or fill the same name as in C0200?

EIOPA answer

1. S.01.02.R0070 should be filled in with the language used to fill in the items labelled as "string".

2. S.06.02.C0110 and C0120 should be left blank when there is no custodian.

3. i) For bond issued by local or central government: C0240 = empty. See also Q&A 1411

ii) S.06.02.C0240 should only be filled when the issuer is included in a group relation, or in the specific cases identified for CIC 4, 7 and 8 (other than mortgage and loans to natural persons ). In your example it should be empty.