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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 75

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on submission of information to NCAs (Preparatory phase)

Article: 35

Template: S.17.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 12 May 2014


In relation to de QRT TP-E1 (S.17.01.b) in the instructions of the reported items there are no cross-checks included. Nevertheless, in the quarterly reported QRT (TP-E1Q - S.17.01.a) the cross-checks related both to the quarterly and to the annual report are included. Is the lack of inclusion of any cross-checks in the annual template an error? If so, could you include the cross-checks to it?

EIOPA answer

The Cross-Templates Checks are present in the Annex VI of the guidelines for the Preparatory Phase for :
- Annual reporting : CAS 16 to 17, CAS 21 to 26, CAS 38 to 55, CAS 59 to 74
- Quarterly reporting : CQS 2 to 3, CQS 7 to 12, CQS 24 to 41, CQS 45 to 60

So, annual and quarterly reporting are well distinguished and both include checks. It should be noted that for the preparatory phase the structure of the S.17.01.b template will be the same as S.17.01.a, but it does not preclude the check of these two templates distinctly.