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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 688

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on application of outwards reinsurance

Status: Final

Date of submission: 29 May 2018


Guideline 7 explains the process to identify the risks affected by the liability man-made cat scenario. In section 1.15 (d) the guideline 7 reads : “The final resulting n_i values should be considered as individual claims from a single event, each associated with the risk from which they have been derived.“ Does this mean, that for each liability risk group i, only one single event is causing n_i claims, or that one event per claim, i.e. n_i events, are causing the loss in liability risk group i?
The first interpretation begs the question with what risk the event is associated, as there are several risks and only one event.

EIOPA answer

The requirement is to consider a single event that leads to multiple claims.  The intention was to include broad systemic/common cause events that are not necessarily locatable in time or place, such as: Pensions mis-selling, IPO Laddering,  Asbestos, Medical treatments, Manufacturing faults. Firms should, however, consider events that are applicable to their business.