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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2032

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2009/138 - Solvency II Directive (Insurance and Reinsurance)

Topic: Other

Article: 139

Status: Final

Date of submission: 28 May 2021


Some clients make use of cash flow models which produce monthly cash flows. In these models the morbidity/disability/recovery rates are of monthly basis instead of yearly base.
Are the shocks defined for disability/morbidity/recovery as in article 139 are meant for yearly rates or should be also applied to monthly rates?

Example: recovery rate for coming 12 months is 25% on yearly basis. Applying the article leads to 25%*(1-0,2)=20% after stress on yearly basis.

If the recovery rate is recalculated to monthly basis, say 1-(1-25%)^(1/12)=2,37% then is my question whether one should apply the shock 0,8% to 2,37% for the coming months and find 2,37%*0,8= 1,90% or should use the calculated recovery rate on yearly basis after stress 20% and then transform this one to a monthly rate by the formula 1-(1-20%)^(1/12)=1,84% and this becomes the monthly recovery rate after stress.

For some rates the impact on the liability can be material.

EIOPA answer

Please refer to the Guidelines 3 and 4 of the EIOPA Guidelines on application of the life underwriting risk module (EIOPA-BoS-14/175 EN) which we feel fully answers your question.