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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • Consultation
  • Closed

Call for candidates for a consultative expert group on data use in insurance


Opening date

Target audience

The selection of the members of the Consultative Expert Group will aim to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, an appropriate geographical balance and a balance between different fields of expertise and profiles. In particular, EIOPA will be seeking to ensure a balanced representation of the following types of stakeholders:

  • Expert market participants and service providers;
  • Academics, researchers and independent experts;
  • Civil society / consumers.

Members of the Consultative Expert Group will be chosen based on their personal merits and are expected to express their own personal views rather than representing their respective organisations or Member State. They are bound by confidentiality requirements regarding any non-public information that will be shared with them while performing their tasks.

Why we are consulting

ata is more and more easily accessible, and how it is used to get insights has become more sophisticated. This can bring opportunities: insurers can assess risks and calculate prices in a more precise manner, increasing insurance coverage and financial inclusion. At the same time, it also brings challenges. Increased personalisation of risk assessments can undermine the pooling of risks, the principle of mutualisation. This pooling of risks is a critical way in which the insurance sector is able to deepen the resilience of both individuals and society. Insurance can thereby provide a foundation and stability for the economy more broadly.

The complexities related to the use of data and its potential deep societal impact, coupled with the specificities of the insurance sector, call for the creation of a multidisciplinary Consultative Expert Group on data use in insurance.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

  • 5 DECEMBER 2024
Invitation - Consultative Expert Group - Data Use in insurance.pdf
  • 5 DECEMBER 2024
Privacy statement_Consultative Expert Group on Data Use in Insurance_2024.pdf